Updated version: 3. Date: 27th July 2021
The Komyokan Dojo is now open to members only.
The dojo will be resuming full contact training.
We will be doing this gently given the long break and encourage you to take training at your own pace.
We aim to carry out this next step with a responsible and common-sense approach, maintaining good ventilation and additional cleaning of the dojo, as well as the other measures below, to keep us all as safe as possible.
Please consider your own risk factors, health and personal circumstances. If you feel uncomfortable about not wearing a mask, physical contact (with single or multiple individuals), shorter distance training or any other change to previous COVID control measures please inform your instructor.
The Komyokan Dojo respects and supports anyone who wishes to train with greater protective measures and wherever possible will accommodate any individual’s concerns in the class.
As this is a noticeable change from previous guidance our hope is, with the following guidance, to restore the Aikido experience without compromising your safety.
Equally, we request that if you
believe you or your
family show any symptoms as described by the NHS guidance or have been in
contact with any infected persons in the last 14 days, you must not attend
classes. Please be extra vigilant about symptoms given the return
to contact aikido and additional risk this poses.
General Guidance:
- Register in the dojo entrance as previous
- Any guidance from the instructor must be always followed.
- A maximum of 3 people can use the changing rooms at any time.
- Masks can be removed when training on the mat. Please continue to wear a mask off the mat.
- Avoid touching any unnecessary areas of the dojo where possible.
- Avoid prolonged periods of face -to-face, or face-to-mat contact.
- You must maintain high standards of persona hygiene and use hand sanitizer before proceeding onto the mat for yours hands and wrists. You can use sanitiser at other times during practice if you wish to do so.
- You must bring your membership with you to class.
- Your membership must be up to date.
- Check the blue “INSURANCE & MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE” at the back of membership. If it has expired, you cannot train.
How you can help:
- If you can change before arrival, please do so.
- Monitor your health regularly and where possible reduce your exposure to high-risk environments that might expose you to large groups of people.
- If you can, perform a lateral flow test before you attend
- Avoid congregating in the entrance way.
- Use standing order for payment, wherever possible.
- Cash payments:
- Place in an envelope with your details and the amount so we can be process it later.
- Endeavour to have the correct mat fee – unfortunately no change will be given.
Health Guidance:
If you:
- suffer from any COVID related symptoms
- are contacted by the NHS
- test positive for COVID
- come into contact with any known positive cases
and believe this may affect individuals and the dojo please contact 0151 652 1526 as soon as possible with your name and the session you trained.
The main symptoms of coronavirus are:
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms but please be extra vigilant and consider not attending if you feel generally unwell.
If in doubt about any of this guidance please contact us prior to attending class.
Komyokan Dojo reserves the right to refuse admission or ask you to leave where it believes you potentially are increasing the risk of COVID infection.